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Teacher Trainings

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Hip Anatomy Teacher Training

At the end of training, students will be able to:

-Understand the layers of the hip joint
-Describe each joint action and apply to asana
-Identify the muscles of the hip and their actions
-Understand common injuries and how to build a practice for students with appropriate modifications
-Apply knowledge to private yoga sessions
-Identify movement/Compensation patterns in students and ability to develop strategies to create new patterns
-Sequence classes with anatomical purpose

Shoulder Anatomy Teacher Training

The Shoulder Intensive Yoga Teacher Training provides a thorough examination of the shoulder’s anatomy, dysfunction, the application of yoga to address common contraindications, and yoga for pain. The Shoulder Intensive Yoga Teacher Training is one of our core modules along with the spine and hip trainings – all of which are highly recommended for our advanced teachers.


Teachers will learn:
muscles and actions (applied to asana)
anatomical myths of the yoga world
"the why" behind cueing
cycle of injury
common injuries

Spine Anatomy Teacher Training

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Pelvic Floor Anatomy Teacher Training

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Pranayama Teacher Training

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Yin Yoga Teacher Training


Learn  to teach Yin Yoga with intention and purpose.

Learn the why behind the principles of Yin Yoga.

Learn the benefits and effects.

Learn to Sequence in a way that bet serves your students.

Topics to be addressed:
-theory of Yin/Yang/Tao
-tension and compression
-anatomy & physiology: bones, muscles, fascia, & organs
-anatomical uniqueness
-contraindications & tailoring the practice to different populations
-postures, sequencing and more!

Sequencing Teacher Training

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500 Hour Online Courses

All our courses are in one place.

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